“My Softest Cradle”

“Can you comfort yourself? Have you finally made a sanctuary in yourself? When the world around you feels turbulent, cold, and looming are you able to surrender to your grief and hold yourself? These are things I’ve taught myself in the solitude of despair... bitter and necessary survival techniques that slowly became a tender and loving remembrance of my inherent need to nurture and be nurtured. One of the hardest parts of my journey has been forgiving and releasing the worst and lowest of myself— that wretched sad thing— while also calling her back in close for a hug. In the dreamy quiet of when we play catch and release, renewal and return, when there is no one but her who is I... I am my softest cradle, my safest space. I’m here for her, within her, just as she always needed.“

I wanted to share this set that I’ll have featured in my memoir. I’ve spent so much time this year exploring my own vulnerability, what that means, and how I hope to move and connect through it.

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salt pond’s haunted.


June 2020: The Salt Pond