365 v.34 (061-075)
As a surprise to absolutely no one, this becomes a pain in my ass to update regularly. I’m glad I decided to batch them out, but hey. Be patient, my friends.
Every once in a while, I am tasked to chip away at the struggles I have with having needs or wants. It’s hard to admit, but I’m really delayed in that area. I try my hardest to move forward from it, but it still scares me sometimes. People who truly care for me will not be inconvenienced or angry with my needs, it turns out. I’m so grateful for the people I surround myself with now.
My little goofball. He loves being funny for his daddy and I.
Hey, did you know: Hair stylists are magic.
Into Kirby’s Dreamland I go.
This little nugget is Elvira. She’s new here.
Who do I think I am, partying late into the night? Someone in their 20s? I drink way too much water for that to be true.
Love and love and love. Grateful for memories and people.
Hiro loves his Lambchop. I love my Hiro.
Waiting for daddy. Always excited like a puppy. Most of the time, he brings a toy to show Mike when he comes home, dropping it down the staircase in his seemingly uncontainable joy. His hind legs and butt wiggle back and forth while his cinnamon bun of a tail does the same. His ears flatten into what we call “airplane ears” and he lets out a grumbly howl. It’s the best.
Spun into the clouds. Therapy has been strange and enlightening lately. I’m glad to be working through the spiral.
Hello, my sweet little friend. I noticed I’m so quick to call the creatures around my home my friends or neighbors, but I have so much work to do when it comes to the humans. Truthfully, I have a lot of trust and abandonment issues when it comes to friendships; I create a level of distance with people around me like a moat. There is a whole period of my life that will be titled The Exodus of Everyone in my whenever-it-happens memoir. It’s been a long, hard, lonely road to look at myself and rebuild it all from the ground up. There is more than enough room to grow when you lose so much at once; more wounds to mend, more responsibility to take. We all need to change when we’re ready. Some barriers never come down again. Some just take time.
Just some guys watching football. Trying to take more simple snapshots of memories I want to keep.
A little bit of my strange little home.
One of the most precious gems I have met along the way.
“I wonder if she thinks of the cruel things she did to me when she is alone in her head or if she’s justified it enough to turn away each time the doubt trickles in. I wanted a sister and she chose to be a maggot, feasting on the rot and turmoil of others. I’d rather grow from ruin than eat it.” - a journal entry about a ghost