The August cicadas are droning on and on, but I don’t mind at all. When I was a kid, this sound heralded the last gasps of summer before school was around the corner. I like to sit with the sound now, in the heat and the sunlight, and lose myself a bit. Summer used to be such a big deal. I always had so much anxiety going back to school, feeling endlessly Othered, feeling overwhelmed at disadvantages and performance, feeling depressed and clueless about my needs. This Summer hasn’t been what I pictured for myself this year, it almost feels like when I was a kid and wondering why I didn’t or couldn’t do more of this or that, but it’s okay. Things are different now and things will change again. My eyes show how exhausted I’ve been, but I’m trying to soften to my own needs some more. One day at a time. I had to learn from scratch.